Magic of Skiing FAQ


I have been skiing for many years but I seem to have leveled off on a plateau.


You are not alone! One of our strong points at The Magic of Skiing is to inspire a new level of excitement for the sport - and it spills over into other areas of life too.


I have never skied before and I'm a little frightened.


Many of us did not learn to ski when we were kids, so we understand. That's why we really emphasize the Magic part of The Magic of Skiing with our beginners in particular to make their transition into the world of skiing comfortable and confident.


I like to ski the steep and the deep as fast as I can.


Don't worry, we won't hold you back. We'll just give you the tools to help you do it better! We organize all participants into groups according to ability levels and tendencies, and we stay flexible to individual needs.


I've heard about the skiing and snowboarding in Aspen - is it as good as they say?


Better. While we can't give a 100% guarantee of fresh powder every day, we can promise a wide variety of awesome terrain, great nightlife and cuisine, excellent instruction with inspiring compatriots and exciting challenges. Who wouldn't vote for that?